Monday, January 25, 2010

Pennylane's Brownie

This is one of the famous brownie has been discussed in our milist...

it tastes yummy and has become one of my family fav...


4 butir telur
2 cup gula pasir
1 cup minyak goreng
3/4 cup bubuk coklat
1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1/4 sdt garam
1 sdt vanili
1/2 cup kacang tanah cincang/kenari panggang
1/2 cup Chocolate Chips

Cara membuat:
-Alasi loyang dengan kertas roti, olesi mentega. Panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius.
-Campur coklat, terigu dan vanili bubuk.
-Telur dan gula dikocok sampai mengembang dan butiran gula menjadi lebih halus.
-Masukkan garam, kocok hingga rata.
-Matikan mikser, ayakkan campuran tepung ke dalam adonan telur, aduk rata. Masukkan minyak goreng,  
  aduk hingga rata. Masukkan kacang tanah/kenari dan chocolate chips, aduk rata.
-Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang +/- 35 menit. Test dengan tusuk gigi/lidi yang bersih.
-Dinginkan sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan dipotong-potong.

Gunakan cangkir pengukur (measuring cup). Jika tidak ada, gunakan cangkir kopi ukuran standard.
Brownies ini tekstur atasnya akan kering retak-retak, sedangkan dalamnya basah.
Brownies akan semakin enak setelah diinapkan semalam

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mens Best Friends

This order was quite sometimes ago, slipped through my file and just remember that I have not posted it.
The birthday man has 3 lovely dogs. And they do not want to miss their boss' big day.
Hhmmm...true true that Dogs are Mens' Best Friend..

Base Cake: Steamed Brownie with Chocolate sprinkle at the layers

Monday, January 11, 2010

Between Paris and Jakarta...

This cake was ordered by Anne from Paris for her sweetheart Rintho in Jakarta.
The reason for having "guitar" is because Rintho loves guitar. I put 2 guitars, the other one is red but did not manage to take the shot this morning before delivery...
I put some "loves" around the edges as well to keep it full.
Base Cake: Devil's Food (choccolate)
with strawberry jam on each layer.
To make the cake moist, I sprayed Kahlua a bit...yum yum...

Just got a message that Rintho loves it and Anne is satisfied with the work..

Happy Birthday Rintho...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Choc Mocca Delight

The Tasty Mocca Butter Cream you cannot resist....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pennylane's Brownie

This is one of the famous brownie has been discussed in our milist...

it tastes yummy and has become one of my family fav...


4 butir telur
2 cup gula pasir
1 cup minyak goreng
3/4 cup bubuk coklat
1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1/4 sdt garam
1 sdt vanili
1/2 cup kacang tanah cincang/kenari panggang
1/2 cup Chocolate Chips

Cara membuat:
-Alasi loyang dengan kertas roti, olesi mentega. Panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius.
-Campur coklat, terigu dan vanili bubuk.
-Telur dan gula dikocok sampai mengembang dan butiran gula menjadi lebih halus.
-Masukkan garam, kocok hingga rata.
-Matikan mikser, ayakkan campuran tepung ke dalam adonan telur, aduk rata. Masukkan minyak goreng,  
  aduk hingga rata. Masukkan kacang tanah/kenari dan chocolate chips, aduk rata.
-Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang +/- 35 menit. Test dengan tusuk gigi/lidi yang bersih.
-Dinginkan sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan dipotong-potong.

Gunakan cangkir pengukur (measuring cup). Jika tidak ada, gunakan cangkir kopi ukuran standard.
Brownies ini tekstur atasnya akan kering retak-retak, sedangkan dalamnya basah.
Brownies akan semakin enak setelah diinapkan semalam

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mens Best Friends

This order was quite sometimes ago, slipped through my file and just remember that I have not posted it.
The birthday man has 3 lovely dogs. And they do not want to miss their boss' big day.
Hhmmm...true true that Dogs are Mens' Best Friend..

Base Cake: Steamed Brownie with Chocolate sprinkle at the layers

Monday, January 11, 2010

Between Paris and Jakarta...

This cake was ordered by Anne from Paris for her sweetheart Rintho in Jakarta.
The reason for having "guitar" is because Rintho loves guitar. I put 2 guitars, the other one is red but did not manage to take the shot this morning before delivery...
I put some "loves" around the edges as well to keep it full.
Base Cake: Devil's Food (choccolate)
with strawberry jam on each layer.
To make the cake moist, I sprayed Kahlua a bit...yum yum...

Just got a message that Rintho loves it and Anne is satisfied with the work..

Happy Birthday Rintho...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Choc Mocca Delight

The Tasty Mocca Butter Cream you cannot resist....